
Project Management for Journalism

Need to make a project to include all the detailed steps to make a application that will let reporters upload notes and source documents into a AI tool. Llama 3 will need access to these uploaded notes and provide insights into all the new information

# Post-Deployment Guide

## Overview
Provide a brief overview of the post-deployment phase, including its importance and objectives.

## Checklist
- [ ] Verify deployment success
- [ ] Conduct smoke tests
- [ ] Monitor performance metrics
- [ ] Validate data integrity
- [ ] Ensure backup systems are functional

## Verification of Deployment
Detail the steps to verify that the deployment has been successful.

### Steps:
1. Check service status
2. Review deployment logs
3. Confirm application availability

## Smoke Testing
Outline the process for conducting initial tests to ensure basic functionality.

### Steps:
1. Access the main application page
2. Perform login and logout operations
3. Test critical workflows

## Performance Monitoring
Describe how to monitor the system for any performance issues post-deployment.

### Metrics to Monitor:
- Response time
- System resource usage
- Error rates

## Data Integrity Validation
Explain the process for ensuring that the data is consistent and accurate after deployment.

### Steps:
1. Compare pre and post-deployment data snapshots
2. Check for data corruption or loss
3. Validate data against known benchmarks

## Backup Systems Check
Ensure that backup systems are in place and functioning correctly.

### Steps:
1. Verify backup schedule
2. Conduct a test restore
3. Review backup logs for errors

## Rollback Plan
In case of any critical issues, have a rollback plan ready.

### Steps:
1. Outline the conditions that would trigger a rollback
2. Detail the rollback procedure
3. Test the rollback plan

## User Notification
Communicate with users about the deployment status and any known issues.

### Steps:
1. Prepare user communication
2. Distribute via email, system notifications, or other channels
3. Provide support contact information

## Documentation Update
Update all relevant documentation with the changes made during deployment.

### Steps:
1. Update system architecture documents
2. Revise user manuals
3. Log changes in the change management system

## Training
If necessary, provide training for new features or changes.

### Steps:
1. Identify training needs
2. Develop training materials
3. Schedule and conduct training sessions

## Feedback Loop
Establish a feedback loop to continuously improve the deployment process.

### Steps:
1. Collect feedback from users and stakeholders
2. Analyze feedback for actionable insights
3. Implement improvements in the next deployment cycle